

Cleveland Central Catholic High School is a coeducational school rooted in the Gospel values of Jesus Christ and focused on college and career 准备. Our mission is to challenge and encourage our students to excel academically, to deepen their faith in God, and to live a life of service, so they may face the future with confidence and 希望.

Cleveland Central Catholic welcomes a vital and ever-changing student into a Catholic Christian community where:

  • Differences provide unique opportunities for growth and positive change;
  • An excellent and innovative education creates a 希望-filled future;
  • 持久的宗教, 社会, and cultural values are translated into contemporary strategies for successfully navigating life in the 21st century.


  • 承诺: Cherishing commitment and fortified by faith, we invest our energies to become responsible persons.
  • 勇气: Embracing challenges as opportunities, we move forward with confidence and integrity.
  • 创造力: Valuing innovation, we encourage imagination to prepare for a changing global community.
  • 希望: Relying on God’s goodness, we inspire a vision of a better life.
  • 服务: Embracing the spirit of Jesus, we reach beyond ourselves in love in response to the needs of others.


A Catholic school is a Christian community, grounded in the Catholic faith and Christ's mandate to proclaim the Gospel.

  • A Christian community is a group of people of diverse backgrounds joined in purpose, 希望, and love and who seek to share with others their experiences and lives.
  • The family is the primary teacher and an essential partner in student formation.
  • All students can learn. Educators provide the appropriate instructional activities, a nurturing environment, and a comprehensive curriculum so that all students learn.
  • Education is a process of holistic development, strengthening and enriching each person’s unique gifts and talents to grow spiritually, develop academically and physically, and mature personally.
  • Education in a diverse community offers unique opportunities. It inspires justice, 同情, respect for the dignity of others, and an appreciation for and celebration of differences.
  • All people are called to the service of others for their own good and in response to Christ’s call to “love one another as I have loved you.”


认证: AdvancED Association (North Central 认证), Ohio State Department of Education, and the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association

学术项目: 典型的, 个性化的, 业务, 荣誉, and Dual High School and College Enrollment (PSEO–Post-Secondary Enrollment Option)

2023-2024 学费: $10,100 

Average Class Size: 22

Community/Student Body: Located three miles from downtown Cleveland, 98% of our students are residents of the City of Cleveland.

服务等级: 9-12

Student-Teacher Ratio: 10-1

Total Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year Grades 9-12: 430

Transportation: 8 buses serving Cuyahoga County

Year Established: 1969

Other Statistics include:

  • 42% Minority Teaching Staff
  • 10 Alumni Faculty/Staff
  • 2 Sisters of Notre Dame
  • 1 Franciscan Capuchin Priest

毕业率: 97% average for the past four years. To graduate, students must pass the State of Ohio testing requirements.

College Acceptance Rate: 87%

Other academic profile components may also be found under the Academic Tab of this website, which include Courses of Studies, Colleges and College Program, 学科 & Instructors, and Course Offerings. 总之,我们是 Creative in Mind and Spirit.

Senior My'Rie Allen
夫人. Troxell and student